How to Build a New Perception of Your Bank

How to Build a New Perception of Your Bank

Social media is home to billions of conversations and consumer insights. We all know that. It’s become a prominent platform for marketing, consumer research, and customer service. Nichefire is a major advocate for using social media as a research platform –...
Is Social Media Making an Impact for Banks?

Is Social Media Making an Impact for Banks?

Almost every brand in America has a social media presence now. What’s more, social media efforts are paying off. But, social media is always changing. According to a study from the American Bankers Association, nearly 90% of banks are active on social media....
The Best Social Media Strategies | 80/20 Rule for Banking

The Best Social Media Strategies | 80/20 Rule for Banking

Are You Obeying the 80/20 Rule?  Great social media managers know it’s not about selling all the time. They give followers a reason to be interested – then follow up with content that drives a desired action from their audience. This is your classic 80/20 rule....
3 Critical Reasons Why You Should Listen to Your Customers

3 Critical Reasons Why You Should Listen to Your Customers

Ask 100 business leaders about the single, most-important factor in success, and most of them will answer “listen to customers and prospects.”  In today’s digital world of social media and online reviews, customers and prospects have a big megaphone to express their...
Nichefire Named Finalist for Innovation and Technology Awards

Nichefire Named Finalist for Innovation and Technology Awards

From the Cincinnati Business Courier: Finalists were announced for the Cincinnati Business Courier’s ninth annual Innovation & Technology Awards. Nichefire was named as a nominee for Outstanding Marketing Innovation. Here’s the full list of awesome...
Press Release: New AI Technology Unveils Competitor Strategies

Press Release: New AI Technology Unveils Competitor Strategies

Nichefire saves time and fuels competitive advantage Social media has become a competitive battleground for businesses. Companies spend dozens of hours a month tracking competitors–or they simply can’t allocate resources to do it. That’s where Nichfire comes in....